Every Body's Yoga, LLC 

Classes are held in person at Indigo Yoga Studio and are also available live stream with aninvitation to join from the Indigo Zoom.

Contact Cindy if you have any questions or want to sign up for a class. 

You can email Cindy with questions to: Cindy@everybodysyogallc.com  or text Cindy at 937-307-5626 if you need a quicker answer. 

You can click on calendar entries for more information about the classes.

Weather Cancellations: The Indigo Yoga Studio will decide when classes are canceled. Cindy will let those who have signed up, know about cancelations.

If you have questions or are not sure if we are having class, feel free to text or call me.  --Cindy (937-307-5626)

Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30am. Check the Indigo Yoga website for class listings.  Indigoyogadayton.com 

Classes are held at Indigo Yoga on 3979 Indian Ripple Rd  Unit B Beavercreek, Ohio 45440. 

You can email Cindy with questions to: Cindy@everybodysyogallc.com  or text me at 937-307-5626 if you need a quicker answer.